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The director of Mystikal (2010) celebrates the 500th anniversary of the most incredible journey by sea ever made. 1519. Seville, Andalusia (south to Spain). Juan Sebastian Elcano is a young and irresponsible man who only wants to live as captain of his little boat, but due to the debts he has with the bank of the city, bank manager confiscates Elcano’s boat and orders the guards arrest him as defaulter. Trying avoid the jail, Elcano enlists as part of an expedition of five ships commanded by Portuguese Admiral Fernando de Magallanes, nicknamed The Navigator, in order to arrive in Moluca Islands (Indonesia) to get spices, very valuable by Kingdom of Castile that rules Spain. But Portuguese ambassador Dacosta tries that the trip fails since Moluca Islands belongs Kingdom of Portugal, and hires Yago as spy and saboteur to prevent the success of the journey. Unaware of it, Magallanes completes the crew of the five ships (Trinidad, San Antonio, Concepcion, Victoria and Santiago) and starts…

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