Funeral readings Mr.Bean
[aparat id=’ijBMA’]

As we mourn the loss of our friend , David

Davis has been taken from us too soon

His tireless concern for his friends and neighbors makes his loss heavy to bear

As we mourn the loss of our friend , David

Used to talk about a newly dead person

زمانی استفاده میشه که برای ماتم فرد از دست رفته اشاره کنیم

1. As we mourn the loss of our friend, David

2. As we mourn the loss of our mother, Maria

3. As we mourn the loss of our neighbor, Jack


(Task: make more sentences like above and repeat them)

ما برای سوگواری دوستمان دیوید به ماتم نشسته ایم

Davis has been taken from us too soon

1. The mercy has been taken from us too soon

2. The Cow has been taken from us too soon

3. Their lives have been taken from them too soon


(Task: make more sentences like above and repeat them)

دیوید خیلی زود از ما گرفته شد

His tireless concern for his friends and neighbors makes his loss heavy to bear

Used to describe the loss of a compassionate friend

1. His tireless concern for his friends and neighbors makes his loss heavy to bear

2. His endless concern for his friends and family makes his loss unbearable

3. Her devoted love for his kids and parents made her loss regretful


(Task: make more sentences like above and repeat them)

تگرانی  و تعلق خاطر دیوید به دوستان و همسایگانش , غم فقدان او را غیر قایل تحمل کرده است

Davis has been taken from us too soon

Passive for of present perfect tense

1. The life has been given to his soul

2. Difficulties have been solved easily

3. No man has been told not to drink water


(Task: make more sentences like above and repeat them)

شکل مجهول زمان مضارع بعید استفاده شده که در انگلیسی فرمال زیاد استفاده میشه

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It appears that this quiz is not set up correctly.

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