How To study videos

این فایل بهتون یاد میده چه جوری فایل های ویدیویی رو مطالعه کنین

باید جز به جز متن نوشته رو با دقت مطالعه کنین

I found a little extra -A little extra battery power

It helps that I didn’t have you around to distract me.

I have to say, I’m glad to see you

I didn’t think you were gonna make it

Did you find the vodka?

 You never told me where it was, so…
– Oh, well…Ah, ah!


Huh? No? All right.

Let’s get out of here.

The Chinese station’s about 100 miles.

Just a little Sunday drive.

 We can’t.
– Sure we can.

 There’s no fuel, I tried everything.
– Well, there’s always something we can do.

I tried everything.

Did you try the soft landing jets?

They’re for landing, so..

Landing is launching. It’s the same.
Didn’t you learn that in training?

– I never got to land the simulator, I told you.
– But you know about it.

And I crashed it every time.
– Do you wanna go back or stay here?

I get it, it’s nice up here.

You can just shut down all the systems…

…turn out all the lights…

..and just close your eyes
and tune out everybody.

There’s nobody up here that can hurt you.

It’s safe.

I mean, what’s the point of going on?
What’s the point of living?

Your kid died.
Doesn’t get any rougher than that.

But still, it’s a matter of what you do now.

If you decide to go,
then you gotta just get on with it.

Sit back, enjoy the ride.

You gotta plant both your feet on the ground and start living life.

How did you get here?

I’m telling you, it’s a hell of a story.

Hey, Ryan?

It’s time to go home.

I have to say, I’m glad to see you

برای ابراز مسرت دیدن کسی استفاده میشه

1. I have to say, I’m glad to see you

2. I have to say, I’m happy to see you

3. I have to say, I’m thrilled to see you


(Task: make more sentences like above and repeat them)

باید بگم خوشالم میبینمت

I didn’t think you were gonna make it

1.I didn’t think you were gonna make it

2. I didn’t think you were gonna cry

3. I didn’t think you were gonna leave me


(Task: make more sentences like above and repeat them)

فک نمیکردم بتونی برسونی یا بتونی انجامش بدی

There’s nobody up here that can hurt you.

منظور از آرامش توی فضا رو نشون میده

1. There’s nobody up here that can hurt you.

2. There’s nobody in the yard that can hurt you.

3. There’s thing down there that can hurt you.


(Task: make more sentences like above and repeat them)

هیشکی این بالا نیس که بخاد اذیتت کنه

what’s the point of going on?
What’s the point of living?

نشون میده که نباید زیاد درگیر کنه دهنش رو و باید به آرامش فک کنه

1. What’s the point of living?

2. What’s the point of leaving your country?

3. What’s the point of smoking?


(Task: make more sentences like above and repeat them)

هدف زندگی کردن چیه ؟

It’s time to go home.

یه نوع خدافظی میکنه که فضانورد زن برگرده زمین ( ایستگاه چینی ها )

1. It’s time to go home.

2. It’s time to go school.

3. It’s time to go dancing.


(Task: make more sentences like above and repeat them)

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