[aparat id=’9nat3’]

Joe is a middle-school band teacher whose life hasn’t quite gone the way he expected. His true passion is jazz — and he’s good. But when he travels to another realm to help someone find their passion, he soon discovers what it means to have soul.

 the dragons sacrificed themselves to save humanity

زمانی استفاده میشه که قصد داشته باشین فداکاری و از خودگذشتگی رو نشون بدین

1. the dragons sacrificed themselves to save humanity

2Mothers sacrificed themselves to save their kids

3. He  sacrificed himself  to save earth.


(Task: make more sentences like above and repeat them)

اژدها ها برای نجات نسل بشر خودشون رو فدا کردند

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It appears that this quiz is not set up correctly.

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