IELTS speaking sample part one band 9 


  • What’s your favourite movie?
  • Do your friends like this movie?
  • What kind of movies do young people like?
  • Would you like to be a movie star?

IELTS speaking sample part one band 9 


  • What’s your favourite movie?

I love the movie Interstellar. It is a science fiction film. It describes a
group of astronauts who are in search of a new home for humanity.

  • Do your friends like this movie?

Yes. They like it too. It was one of my friends who recommended this
movie to me. Some of them were so amused that they began telling me that
we better get prepared to live on planets like Mars.

  • What kind of movies do young people like?

In my opinion, young people are fond of superhuman characters like
spiderman. Also, they like fantasies like Harry Potter.


  • Would you like to be a movie star?

No, not at all. I hate to sacrifice my privacy. I hate to be surrounded by paparazzi all the time.

IELTS speaking sample part one band 9 


Will you live in the countryside in the future?

Fiction (noun) – literature in the form of prose, especially novels, that describes imaginary events and people.
Eg: Things which were once created in fiction are becoming a reality

Astronaut (noun) – a person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft.
Eg: A group of astronauts travelled to Mercury, last week.


Amused (adj) – finding something funny or entertaining.
Eg: Children were so amused by the magician.

دانشگاه زبان ایران  آموزش رایگان زبان انگلیسی تافل تضمینی آیلتس تضمینی آموزش زبان آموزش تافل آموزش آیلتس آموزش زبان دکتری مهندسی مهاجرت ثبت نام رایگان ارسال رایگان کتب ارسال رایگپان فایل ها مهاجرت بع تمام دنیا کانئن زبان ایران امتحان های کانون زبان ایران دانش آموزان کانون زبان  نمونه سوالات فاینال درس های تخصصی تافل آیلتس انگلیسی دکتری کانون دانشگاه زبان ایران EPT IELTS TOEFL final exams freeایران مهاجرت به  تمام دنیا آموزش با بهترین متد دنیا آموزس رایگان دانلود راگان کتب و فایل ها و نمونه سوالات مهاجرت رایگان زبان انگلیسی در 3 ماه  تافل تضمینی در 3 ماه آیلتس تضمینی در 3 ماه تافل 110 تافل 120 تافل 100 ایلتس 8 آیلتس 8.5 آیلتس 9 تضمینی با تضمین استرداد تمام شهریه

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