IELTS speaking sample part one band 9 


  • Are there many parks near where you live?
  • Do you like going to the parks?
  • Do you think there are enough parks or gardens in your hometown?
  • What did you use to do in parks as a child?

IELTS speaking sample part one band 9 


  • Are there many parks near where you live?

I’m very fond of Gibb’s Garden near my house. It has a small pond as well. I go there on weekends to relax and enjoy the fresh air.

  • Do you think there are enough parks or gardens in your hometown?

We have one large garden in the centre of the city, but there are also several parks in the suburbs. So, I think we have just the right number of parks in our town.

  • What did you use to do in parks as a child?

I had loads of fun in the park nearby. It had a see-saw, and I enjoyed going up and down on it. We had other children from the neighbourhood who joined me in playing. We had a miniature version of the merry-go-round which we thoroughly enjoyed.

IELTS speaking sample part one band 9 


Garden (noun) – a piece of ground adjoining a house, in which grass,flowers, and shrubs may be grown.

Eg: There was a garden near his house

Pond (noun) – a small body of still water formed naturally or by artificial means.

Eg: There was a lotus pond in the middle of the village.

Relax (verb) – make or become less tense or anxious.

Eg: The hair spa was very relaxing.

Seesaw (noun) – a long plank balanced in the middle on a fixed support, on each end of which children sit and swing up and down by pushing the ground alternately with their feet.

Eg: Kids enjoy going up and down in the seesaw

دانشگاه زبان ایران  آموزش رایگان زبان انگلیسی تافل تضمینی آیلتس تضمینی آموزش زبان آموزش تافل آموزش آیلتس آموزش زبان دکتری مهندسی مهاجرت ثبت نام رایگان ارسال رایگان کتب ارسال رایگپان فایل ها مهاجرت بع تمام دنیا کانئن زبان ایران امتحان های کانون زبان ایران دانش آموزان کانون زبان  نمونه سوالات فاینال درس های تخصصی تافل آیلتس انگلیسی دکتری کانون دانشگاه زبان ایران EPT IELTS TOEFL final exams freeایران مهاجرت به  تمام دنیا آموزش با بهترین متد دنیا آموزس رایگان دانلود راگان کتب و فایل ها و نمونه سوالات مهاجرت رایگان زبان انگلیسی در 3 ماه  تافل تضمینی در 3 ماه آیلتس تضمینی در 3 ماه تافل 110 تافل 120 تافل 100 ایلتس 8 آیلتس 8.5 آیلتس 9 تضمینی با تضمین استرداد تمام شهریه

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